Inside the small town of San Juanico in Baja California Sur, we had many years ago the amazing opportunity to power 100% Off the Grid this magical place which hosts 8 bungalows. Each one equipped with everything you need during your surf or fishing trip or even just to visit and enjoy Baja. This amazing town is served by a local diesel generator, connecting to this poor grid would not only provide dirty power, but will also jeopardize the rest of the town’s habitants’ power. Therefore connecting was not an option nor the intention of Casa de Las Luces.
Instead, the project is powered 100% by 32kWh of our 21.9 year Life Expectancy BLUE ION 2.0s by Blue Planet Energy. Although many less efficient and less expensive lithium solutions are available, being able to power for at least 2 decades synchronizes with the entire meaning of Baja, and its habitants.
Visit www.casadelasluces.mx
Year of Installation: 2010
Max Daily Load: 90+ kWh per day
Max Load Capacity: 16 kWp
Blue Ion Storage System: 32 KWH
Back up for Cloudy Days: Kohler 20 kW